Minister Atkins – ‘It’s time for employers to take decisive action and close their gender pay gap’
In this blog post, Minister Atkins sets out the ways that employers can take decisive action and close their gender pay gaps.
In this blog post, Minister Atkins sets out the ways that employers can take decisive action and close their gender pay gaps.
Julianne Miles is the Managing Director of Women Returners, and Natalie Gill is Programme Director at Timewise. In this post, they talk about new guidance on creating returner programmes and why they make business sense.
Emma Codd is Managing Partner for Talent at Deloitte. In this guest blog post, Emma shares what Deloitte has learnt from publishing their gender pay gap data.
Ann Francke is Chief Executive Officer at the Chartered Management Institute. In this guest post, Ann shares five top points to make when discussing the gender pay gap with your colleagues.
Sheila Flavell is the Chief Operating Officer at FDM Group. In this guest post, Sheila writes about why every employer should report their gender pay gap early.
John Stewart is Director of HR at SSE. In this guest post, he writes about how SSE is working to tackle the gender pay gap., there are persuasive economic reasons to focus on gender equality. McKinsey, for example, have estimated that the UK could add £150 billion to our GDP by 2025 if we...
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